Friday, January 3, 2014

Static Electricity is Cool

Dear Banana,

I've discovered the neatest thing ever! Static electricity. Wait until the house is really dry, then go rub up against your person. It makes a loud cracking noise, and my person gets really annoyed by it. It's fun.




Dear Peach,

Ah, yes. Static electricity is a great toy. My favorite use of it is when my person is just drifting off to sleep. I hop up on the bed with her, and rub my face against her face. Crack! Augh! Hahahahahaha, it's great fun!




Dear Banana,

Curses! My experiments with static electricity have been foiled. My jerk person went to his laundry room, got a dryer sheet, and petted me with it. It took all of the static away. I'm kind of sad now. I'll be busy plotting my next move...



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