Friday, March 7, 2014

Bath Time Fun!

Dear Banana,

Today, our humans were doing that stupid thing they do where they voluntarily get wet and pretend like it'll get them as clean as our spit. Dumb. Anyway, I decided it would be fun to mess with them. I went into the bathroom and started meowing, so that they'd look at me. Then I jumped up on top of my litter box and just sat. When they stopped paying attention, I stepped across onto the shelf where my person keeps the clean towels, and snuggled down in the clean towels. My person was mad. He was like "Peach! C'mon! I just washed those and you jumped right from the litter box onto my clean towels! Arg! You jerk!" So at least my efforts are being noticed.

I decided, however, that I hadn't had enough fun yet. So while your person was being stupid and deliberately putting herself in the line of water, I walked behind the big soft curtain that falls on the outside of the bathtub. Then I jumped up on the edge of the tub, which was safe because the stiffer, clear plastic curtain that falls inside the tub was protecting me from getting wet. My person thought it was silly, but your person laughed so hard I thought she was going to fall over. Unfortunately she didn't. Next time, though....



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